Simple Diwali lantern

One more festival craft that my daughter did.

Its very simple to make. All you need is few colored tinted  A4 Sheets else your can use A4 printer sheets and make your kids color those.

Take an A4 sheet and turn it into a cylindrical shape  and stick it together at both open ends. This will be the base of lantern.

From A4 sheets cut floral shapes and roll them and stick the loose ends together. Make atleeast 10 such pieces so that it fully covers the cylinder.

Stick these on the cylinder shape.

Now take 2-3 A4 sheets and make long fringes paper strips of 2" width.

Stick these at the bottom of the cylinder. Make sure you stick it in the inside surface.

Take some silver paper and use it to make a border on top and bottom of the cylinder.

Punch two holes on top of cylinder and pass a thread through it.

Your lantern is ready for hanging.

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